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Sat, 21 Dec


Tathagata Hall

Amitabha Buddha Dharma Function

Amitabha Buddha, renowned for his boundless compassion and vow to guide all beings to rebirth in his Pure Land for enlightenment, with chanting his name deepening mindfulness and accumulating merit.

Amitabha Buddha Dharma Function
Amitabha Buddha Dharma Function

Time & Location

21 Dec 2024, 10:30 am – 12:30 pm

Tathagata Hall, 1034 Underwood Rd, Priestdale QLD 4127, Australia

About the event

Amitabha Buddha, whose name means "Infinite Light" and "Infinite Life," embodies boundless compassion and a vow to save all sentient beings. In a previous life as a bodhisattva, he made 48 great vows, the most significant being the creation of a Pure Land called Sukhavati—a paradise where beings can be reborn and attain enlightenment, free from the sufferings of the earthly realm. This Pure Land is accessible to all who sincerely chant his name, engage in good deeds, and aspire to be reborn there.

The Dharma Function honors Amitabha Buddha, celebrated for his infinite compassion and his vow to lead all beings to rebirth in his Pure Land for enlightenment. Chanting his name deepens mindfulness and accumulates merit.

Amitabha Buddha’s 48 vows are detailed commitments made by Amitabha Buddha during his previous life as the bodhisattva Dharmakara. These vows are central to the Pure Land tradition and outline his dedication to creating a Pure Land (Sukhavati) and guiding all sentient beings toward enlightenment. Here is an overview of the vows according to Fo Guang Shan:

  1. Creation of Sukhavati: Amitabha vowed to establish a Pure Land called Sukhavati, a realm of ultimate bliss and enlightenment, where beings could be reborn and attain Buddhahood free from the suffering of the earthly realm.
  2. Universal Rebirth: He vowed that anyone who sincerely recites his name and aspires to be reborn in his Pure Land would be granted entry, ensuring that even those with minimal merit or who have led troubled lives can reach his Pure Land.
  3. Assistance at Death: Amitabha vowed to assist all beings at the moment of death, ensuring that those who are devoted to him and have faith in his name will be guided to rebirth in his Pure Land.
  4. Safety from Lower Realms: He promised that anyone reborn in his Pure Land would be safeguarded from falling into lower realms, such as hells or realms of suffering, and would eventually progress to Buddhahood.
  5. Infallibility of Vows: Amitabha vowed that if he failed to fulfill these promises, he would not attain Buddhahood, highlighting his absolute commitment to these vows and his unwavering resolve to aid all sentient beings.

These vows reflect Amitabha Buddha’s profound compassion and his dedication to making enlightenment accessible to all, emphasizing the importance of faith, devotion, and the practice of reciting his name.

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